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Biuro modułowe

Office containers

Convenient mobile workspace.

kontenery eventowe - Algeco

Event containers

Creative space for your event

Algeco Express

Algeco Express

Fast and reliable modular solutions

Containers - sale and rental

moduły kontenerowe - Algeco

Algeco - a proven partner in container modules

Modular construction is our specialty. We provide container solutions adapted to our clients' businesses. We offer sales and short-term and long-term rental of container modules. Our modules are used to create, among other things mobile offices, sturdy construction sites, temporary train stations, modular schools and a variety of other functional spaces. We offer complete furnishing of offices and modular buildings. As part of Service 360, we equip our buildings with office and kitchen furniture, as well as heating, air conditioning or locker rooms. We care about the comfort of our clients as well as the environment - we use ecological, energy-efficient materials, equipment and solutions.

Choose one of our modular solutions

Choose a convenient modular solution for your business. Explore our turnkey modular offices, locker rooms, construction facilities, event projects and modular classrooms.

dlaczego rozwiązania modularne?

Why modular solutions?

For more than 60 years, Algeco has been offering containers to create temporary space as well as buildings as an interesting alternative to conventional construction.

Our containers and modular buildings create space according to your needs. With our 360° Service offering, you can enjoy maximum comfort and security.



otwarty box

We operate on a large scale

We operate on a large scale and can take on the most demanding projects. Last year we made more deliveries than any other supplier of modular facilities in Poland.

ciężarówka cargo

Largest fleet in Poland

We have the largest fleet in Poland, which means we also have the best availability of container modules to handle your projects. We act quickly and adapt to changing circumstances, budgets and expectations. We provide high quality service, regardless of the length of your project.

satysfakcja klienta

Satisfaction of our customers

We care about our clients' satisfaction and strive to get better and better. After each project, we ask how well we did and use the Net Promoter Score system to measure customer satisfaction. Our recent results are rated as excellent.

rozwiązania na wymiar

Turnkey solutions and expertise

We have in-house teams of designers, engineers and project managers who can advise on the optimal modular solutions for your business. We offer turnkey ready modular buildings and provide all the components needed for your project.


Best value

Thanks to the scale of our business, we are able to offer very attractive terms of cooperation. We are flexible, so we will find a suitable package of products and services for each client.

kontur Polski

Nationwide service

We operate in 7 locations nationwide, allowing us to deliver and install modular buildings directly on site, no matter where the project site is located.

Question? A project?

Contact our expert and find out what we can offer you.

Are you our customer?

Do you need help and want to report a broken or damaged container?

Air conditioning for warm days!

Have us install energy-efficient air conditioners in your modular building!

Air Conditioning Service 360


Do you have a question? You can find the answer here. Check out our frequently asked questions.

Materiały do pobrania


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Oddziały Algeco

Algeco branch close to you

Everything you need is at your fingertips - Algeco is close to your home, office, construction site or school. It only takes a moment to find us - enter your city's zip code and find out where the nearest sales office is located. We also invite you to call us to learn more or place an order.

Show all branches of Algeco Poland

Complex modular construction - manufacturing and equipment

As a container manufacturer, we design modular solutions tailored to the specific needs of our customers. We offer both sales and rental of container modules, available in three product lines, each diversified in design and purpose. We undertake custom projects including office containersservice containersconstruction containersstore containerssocial containerscatering containerslocker room containerssanitary containers.

We provide professional modular solutions, from construction to container equipment. In our container modules we install ecological accessories, designed to reduce electricity and water consumption, including self-closing taps, and lighting with motion sensors.

The speed of implementation, punctuality, and flexibility characterize our operations. The scalability of modules allows for the free expansion and reduction of the area, in proportion to your needs. Modular construction enables the creation of customized solutions, and Algeco's offerings are designed to meet a variety of challenges! Whether it's a modular office, a construction bungalow, or a modular school or kindergarten, we make it possible!

We deliver containers throughout Poland (and beyond). Our branches are located in the cities of Gdansk, Katowice, Krakow, Poznan, Warsaw, Wroclaw and Szczecin. We invite you to contact us!

Sale of modular containers

sprzedaż kontenerów - header

Containers for rent for your business

Fast, flexible and comprehensive

Modular containers are the ideal solution for those looking for a functional and flexible space as a back-up for an investment project or a mobile office. Modular container is also an excellent solution for seasonal or year-round business operations. Contact Algeco's sales department and learn more about the terms of purchase and delivery of a modular container.

Modules can be freely combined, arranged and equipped to suit your individual needs. Whether you need an office, commercial, residential or sanitary container, you will find the right proposal in Algeco's offer and together we will design and prepare your modular facility. Depending on your budget and intended use, we offer new and used modular containers.

Klmatyzacja typu Split wewnatrz

Our nationwide offerings include:

  • sale of office containers
  • sale of containers and trade pavilions
  • sale of sanitary containers
  • sale of storage containers

Safety and reliability

Algeco modular containers are made of durable and safe materials that meet a range of standards and technical requirements. In addition, Algeco offers the possibility of customizing the containers according to the needs of the customer. You can choose from various options for interior finishes, electrical installation, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, lighting, furniture and more. We pay attention to the energy efficiency and environmental friendliness of the solutions used.

Question? A project?

Contact our expert and find out what we can offer you.

Our branches

Find and contact one of our branches in Poland.

MKT team

Check out a number of benefits of buying a modular container:

  • You save time and money because the containers are ready to use and do not require a long and costly construction process.
  • You gain flexibility and mobility because container modules can be easily moved, expanded or repurposed.
  • You care about the environment - our modular containers are built using eco-friendly, energy-efficient technology.

Proven and reliable business partner

If you are looking for a proven and reliable partner in modular construction, contact Algeco's Sales Department. You will be presented with a container price list and a full commercial offer for modular containers.

We will help you choose the best solution for your business and provide full service at every stage of cooperation. Don't wait, order a modular container today and enjoy your new work space!

Air conditioning for warm days!

Have us install energy-efficient air conditioners in your modular building!

Klimatyzacja na ciepłe dni! Zleć nam montaż energooszczędnych klimatyzatorów w Twoim budynku modułowym!

Choose one of our modular solutions

Choose a convenient modular solution for your business. Explore our turnkey modular offices, locker rooms, construction facilities, event projects and modular classrooms.

Storage containers

Algeco magazynowe kontenery

Poszukując efektywnych opcji magazynowania, warto rozważyć wynajem kontenerów magazynowych. Modułowa budowa zapewnia możliwość rekonfiguracji ustawień, a łatwy transport imontaż idealnie wpisują się we współczesny trend na elastyczną przestrzeń magazynową. Kluczową zaletą jest możliwość piętrowego ustawiania, która zwiększa pojemność magazynową bez dodatkowych kosztów inwestycyjnych.

Flexible solution for storage rooms

Top quality and excellent service at a price

ALGECO storage containers offer quick, temporary space solutions for safe, clean and dry storage of goods. The high-quality rental containers can be stacked several times, and thus adapt to changing volumes of cargo and goods. They are available as 10- and 20-foot shipping containers.

Bathroom premium

Quality and equipment of containers

ALGECO offers companies and administrations a wide range of high-quality containers for rent in your area - from functional, economical basic solutions to the comfortable ADVANCE PLUS product or the premium PROGRESS series , which stands for design, comfort and security at the highest level.

Upon request, customers can receive a unique 360° service from ALGECO . Services from the comprehensive carefree package include, for example, energy-optimized heating and heat protection technologies, state-of-the-art lighting and ventilation systems, and equipment for rental containers. Outdoor facility design or building management can also be part of when companies rent containers. The offer is complemented by the modular network and telecommunications solution Data-Net-One , which includes all the equipment for modern operation: WLAN access points , outlets, network and telephone connections.

kontenery magazynowe kolorowe

Wynajem kontenerów magazynowych z Algeco - poznaj korzyści

  1. Mobilność i dostępność: kontenery od Algeco mogą być łatwo transportowane i instalowane w różnych lokalizacjach na terenie całego kraju.
  2. Bezpieczeństwo i Ochrona: kontenery magazynowe to trwałe, solidne konstrukcje które zabezpieczają przechowywaną zawartość przed niepożądanym dostępem
  3. Oszczędność Kosztów: wynajem kontenerów jest kosztowo efektywną alternatywą dla budowy lub wynajmu tradycyjnej przestrzeni magazynowej,
  4. Modułowa Konstrukcja: kontenery mogą być łączone i konfigurowane w różnorodne sposoby, tak aby maksymalnie dopasować je do dostępnej przestrzeni.
  5. Wyposażenie na życzenie: możliwość wyposażenia modułów według potrzeb Klienta, np. instalacji oświetlenia, wentylacji czy półek
  6. Ekologiczne rozwiązanie: kontenery nadają się do wielokrotnego użytku, co minimalizuje potrzebę stosowania nowych materiałów budowlanych i ogranicza odpady.
  7. Wsparcie i Obsługa Klienta: Algeco oferuje profesjonalne doradztwo i wsparcie na każdym etapie wynajmu, od wyboru odpowiedniego kontenera po jego dostawę i instalację

Question? A project?

Contact our expert and find out what we can offer you.

Our branches

Find and contact one of our branches in Poland.

Air conditioning for warm days!

Have us install energy-efficient air conditioners in your modular building!

Air Conditioning Service 360

Explore our other solutions



kontenery socjalne




What's included in Algeco's Warehouse offerings

Basic Origin - Komfort


  • Proven: Practical standard dimensions of 2.5 m or 3 m wide and up to 6 m long
  • Room height: room height of 2.5 m or 2.4 m
  • Windows: Large windows with shutters
  • Floors: heavy-duty PVC flooring
  • Sanitary: Basic sanitary facilities
  • IT infrastructure: Integrated cable and line routing
Basic Origin - Energia i technologia

Energy and technology

  • Thermal insulation: in accordance with GEG for lease periods of up to 24 months
  • Heating: electric heating, optional air conditioners

Algeco storage containers

Choose a convenient modular solution for your business. Explore our turnkey modular offices, locker rooms, construction facilities, event projects and modular classrooms.

kontener magazynowy 20 stopowy

Kontener magazynowy 1

External dimensions
L 6058 × W 2438 × H 2591 mm
Internal dimensions
L 5898 mm × W 2350 mm × H 2390 mm
33 m3

Choose one of our modular solutions

Choose a convenient modular solution for your business. Explore our turnkey modular offices, locker rooms, construction facilities, event projects and modular classrooms.

Sanitary containers

Algeco sanitarne kontenery

A flexible solution for sanitary rooms

Top quality and excellent service at a price

ALGECO sanitary containers are a hygienic and flexible solution for mobile showers and toilets. Rental containers are ideal for short-term and temporary needs, such as construction sites, seasonal accommodation or large events. ALGECO offers mobile sanitary, shower or toilet containers in a variety of sizes and equipment levels, which can be expanded, downsized or moved to another location at any time. There are also special variants for schools and nurseries, as well as for the healthcare sector.

szkoła modułowa w Ząbkach

Warianty kontenerów sanitarnych

Warianty kontenerów sanitarnych obejmują specjalne rozwiązania dla szkół i żłobków, z uwzględnieniem potrzeb najmłodszych użytkowników. Są one zaprojektowane tak, aby były bezpieczne, łatwe w użyciu i przystosowane do wielkości dzieci. Dla sektora opieki zdrowotnej, ALGECO oferuje kontenery sanitarne spełniające wysokie standardy higieny i funkcjonalności, niezbędne w środowiskach szpitalnych i opiekuńczych.

Każdy kontener wyposażony jest w nowoczesne udogodnienia, takie jak wydajne systemy wentylacyjne i ogrzewania, co zapewnia komfort użytkowania w różnych warunkach pogodowych. Są także łatwe w utrzymaniu czystości, co jest kluczowe dla zachowania standardów higieny.

Ponadto, ALGECO oferuje możliwość dostosowania kontenerów do indywidualnych potrzeb klienta. Obejmuje to wybór kolorystyki, dodatkowych udogodnień, jak lustra, półki czy specjalne oświetlenie, a także wybór materiałów wykończeniowych.

Mobilność i wszechstronność kontenerów sanitarnych ALGECO sprawiają, że są one doskonałym wyborem dla organizatorów wydarzeń, firm budowlanych, placówek edukacyjnych i służby zdrowia, dostarczając niezawodne i komfortowe rozwiązania sanitarne tam, gdzie są najbardziej potrzebne.

Bathroom premium

Quality and equipment of containers

ALGECO offers companies and administrations a wide range of high-quality containers for rent in your area - from functional, economical basic solutions to the comfortable ADVANCE PLUS product or the premium PROGRESS series , which stands for design, comfort and security at the highest level.

Upon request, customers can receive a unique 360° service from ALGECO . Services from the comprehensive carefree package include, for example, energy-optimized heating and heat protection technologies, state-of-the-art lighting and ventilation systems, and equipment for rental containers. Outdoor facility design or building management can also be part of when companies rent containers. The offer is complemented by the modular network and telecommunications solution Data-Net-One , which includes all the equipment for modern operation: WLAN access points , outlets, network and telephone connections.

Question? A project?

Contact our expert and find out what we can offer you.

Our branches

Find and contact one of our branches in Poland.

Explore our other solutions



kontenery socjalne




What's included in Algeco Sanitary offerings

Basic Origin - Komfort


  • Proven: Practical standard dimensions of 2.5 m or 3 m wide and up to 6 m long
  • Room height: room height of 2.5 m or 2.4 m
  • Windows: Large windows with shutters
  • Floors: heavy-duty PVC flooring
  • Sanitary: Basic sanitary facilities
  • IT infrastructure: Integrated cable and line routing
Basic Origin - Energia i technologia

Energy and technology

  • Thermal insulation: in accordance with GEG for lease periods of up to 24 months
  • Heating: electric heating, optional air conditioners

Algeco Sanitary Containers

Sanitary containers are available in various sizes, depending on the requirements profile and area of application. For the exact dimensions and specifications of each container, please refer to the tables below.

kontener IN26WC


External dimensions
L 6058 × W 2438 × H 2800 mm
Internal dimensions
L 5870 mm × W 2250 mm × H 2500 mm
Exterior surface
14,75 m2
Inner surface
13,2 m2
kontener INS1


External dimensions
L 6058 mm × W 2438 mm × H 2800 mm
Internal dimensions
L 5870 mm × W 2250 mm × H 2500 mm
Exterior surface
14,75 m2
Inner surface
13,2 m2
kontener INS2


External dimensions
L 6058 mm × W 2438 mm × H 2800 mm
Internal dimensions
L 5870 mm × W 2250 mm × H 2500 mm
Exterior surface
14,75 m2
Inner surface
13,2 m2
kontener INS3


External dimensions
L 6058 mm × W 2438 mm × H 2800 mm
Internal dimensions
L 5870 mm × W 2250 mm × H 2500 mm
Exterior surface
14,75 m2
Inner surface
13,2 m2
kontener XNS4


External dimensions
L 6058 mm × W 2438 mm × H 2800 mm
Internal dimensions
L 5870 mm × W 2250 mm × H 2500 mm
Exterior surface
14,75 m2
Inner surface
13,2 m2
kontener XNS5


External dimensions
L 6058 mm × W 2438 mm × H 2800 mm
Internal dimensions
L 5870 mm × W 2250 mm × H 2500 mm
Exterior surface
14,75 m2
Inner surface
13,2 m2
kontener DHWC


External dimensions
L 6058 mm × W 2438 mm × H 2800 mm
Internal dimensions
L 5870 mm × W 2250 mm × H 2500 mm
Exterior surface
14,75 m2
Inner surface
13,2 m2
kontener S1


External dimensions
L 6055 mm × W 2435 mm × H 2790 mm
Internal dimensions
L 5855 mm × W 2235 mm × H 2500 mm
Exterior surface
14,74 m2
Inner surface
13,09 m2
kontener S2


External dimensions
L 6055 mm × W 2435 mm × H 2790 mm
Internal dimensions
L 5855 mm × W 2235 mm × H 2500 mm
Exterior surface
14,74 m2
Inner surface
13,09 m2
kontener S3


External dimensions
L 6055 mm × W 2435 mm × H 2790 mm
Internal dimensions
L 5855 mm × W 2235 mm × H 2500 mm
Exterior surface
14,74 m2
Inner surface
13,09 m2
kontener S4


External dimensions
L 6055 mm × W 2435 mm × H 2790 mm
Internal dimensions
L 5855 mm × W 2235 mm × H 2500 mm
Exterior surface
14,74 m2
Inner surface
13,09 m2


External dimensions
L 6055 mm × W 2435 mm × H 2790 mm
Internal dimensions
L 5855 mm × W 2235 mm × H 2500 mm
Exterior surface
14,74 m2
Inner surface
13,09 m2
kontener SU


External dimensions
L 6055 mm × W 2435 mm × H 2790 mm
Internal dimensions
L 5855 mm × W 2235 mm × H 2500 mm
Exterior surface
14,74 m2
Inner surface
13,09 m2

Choose one of our modular solutions

Choose a convenient modular solution for your business. Explore our turnkey modular offices, locker rooms, construction facilities, event projects and modular classrooms.

Air conditioning for warm days!

Have us install energy-efficient air conditioners in your modular building!

Air Conditioning Service 360

Social containers

kontenery socjalne - header

Flexible solution for office and social spaces

Top quality and excellent service at a price

Do you need additional space for your investments at short notice? Do you attach great importance to quality, excellent service and flexibility? Then ALGECO is your competent partner in modular construction. ALGECO modular containers are ideal for temporary or permanent use, for example in offices, schools or kindergartens. The modular design offers almost unlimited design possibilities, even when it comes to expansion or relocation.

Whether it's a single container or a larger interconnected system, we tailor the modular building concept and room size to individual requirements. Upon request, we can completely equip your building with office furniture, kitchen, bathroom/toilet and the latest technology. We provide turnkey solutions.

Question? A project?

Contact our expert and find out what we can offer you.

Our branches

Find and contact one of our branches in Poland.

Explore our other solutions







Air conditioning for warm days!

Have us install energy-efficient air conditioners in your modular building!

Air Conditioning Service 360
Bathroom premium

Quality and equipment of containers

ALGECO offers companies and administrations a wide range of high-quality containers for rent in your area - from functional, economical basic solutions to the comfortable ADVANCE PLUS product or the premium PROGRESS series , which stands for design, comfort and security at the highest level.

Upon request, customers can receive a unique 360° service from ALGECO . Services from the comprehensive carefree package include, for example, energy-optimized heating and heat protection technologies, state-of-the-art lighting and ventilation systems, and equipment for rental containers. Outdoor facility design or building management can also be part of when companies rent containers. The offer is complemented by the modular network and telecommunications solution Data-Net-One , which includes all the equipment for modern operation: WLAN access points , outlets, network and telephone connections.

Choose one of our modular solutions

Choose a convenient modular solution for your business. Explore our turnkey modular offices, locker rooms, construction facilities, event projects and modular classrooms.